Presentation of “Deportation of Refugees from Srebrenica” Dossier
The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) will hold the presentation of the “Deportation of Srebrenica Refugees” Dossier on Thursday, July 13, 2017. The presentation will take place in the Great Hall of the Media Center in Belgrade (Terazije 2, II floor) at 11:00.
After the fall of Srebrenica on 11 July, 1995, approximately 8,000 people disappeared, mostly men considered by the Army of Republika Srpska as “able-bodied”. Most of these men were killed in the period July 13-16, 1995, and they were mainly killed at mass execution sites located on the territory of Bratunac and Zvornik municipalities.
Following these executions, the Army of the Republic of Srpska continued to search for the Bosniak men who had escaped. The search for, capture and killing of these men continued for weeks after the fall of Srebrenica.
A number of these men managed to avoid being captured on the territory of BiH by crossing the border on the River Drina and finding refuge in Serbia. A new Dossier produced by the HLC deals with their fates and the role of the Serbian authorities in the deportation of captives to the territory of BiH and their transfer to the Bosnian Serb police and army.
Simultaneous interpretation into English will be provided.