ANNOUNCEMENT: A Debate on War Crimes Trials in Serbia in 2016

ANNOUNCEMENT: A Debate on War Crimes Trials in Serbia in 2016

Report on war crimes trials in Serbia during 2016On May 18th 2017 the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) will present “The Report on War Crimes Trials in 2016”, and host a debate about the findings and development in the prosecution of war crimes before Serbian courts. The event will be held at the Media Centre in Belgrade (Terazije 3, 2nd Floor), starting at 11:00.

The Report encompasses analyses of 28 cases monitored by the HLC’s team before the war crimes departments of the Higher Court and the Court of Appeals in Belgrade, as well as before the courts of general jurisdiction. The Report also contains an overview of general findings regarding war crimes trials held during 2016, as well as important social and political events relevant to war crimes trials in Serbia.

Representatives of the Office of the War Crime Prosecutor, Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia, judges of the Higher Court and the Courts of Appeals in Belgrade, representatives from the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior, attorneys, representatives of non-governmental organizations, journalists, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, the Ombudsman, representatives of the Office for Human and Minority Rights, representatives of the Delegation of the European Commission in Belgrade, the ICTY, the Council of Europe, EULEX, and embassies have been invited to attend the debate.

The findings from the Report will be presented and discussed by:

– Milica Kostić, Legal Programme Director in the Humanitarian Law Center
– Marina Kljaić, Victims’ Legal Representative in war crimes trials
– Bruno Vekarić, Deputy War Crimes Prosecutor, Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor
– Jelena Diković, Journalist, Danas Daily
– Ivan Jovanović, International Humanitarian Law Expert.
