Statement on Announced “Significant” Evidence

Statement on Announced “Significant” Evidence

bytyqi_brothersYesterday, three days after confirming a commission headed by jounalist Veran Matic to investigate the Bytyqi case, the Serbian government announced new evidence that it called “significant” progress.  Praveen Madhiraju, an attorney and pro bono advisor to the Bytyqi family had this to say:

“Yesterday a commission, today new evidence, what distraction will come tomorrow?   Prime Minister Vucic cannot evade his central and active role in preventing a credible investigation.  By continuing to protect Goran “Guri” Radosavljevic and allowing a toxic environment for witnesses to fester, no amount of evidence will be able to overcome the challenges in this case.

New and credible investigative work should always be pursued, but U.S. officials should not be fooled into thinking that this is the progress that Prime Minister Vucic promised. Here are three basic questions that need to be answered:

(1) If this evidence is so significant, why pursue a commission? What can a non-state institution headed by a journalist possibly add? 

(2) This evidence clearly was not processed yesterday, why announce it yesterday except to give yourself political cover?”

(3) Why won’t you create a safe space for witnesses instead of one for Goran “Guri” Radosavljevic?

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Contact: Praveen Madhiraju, +1.202.549.8094;

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