International Human Rights Day: “We Seek Rights and We Demand Responsibility”

International Human Rights Day:  “We Seek Rights and We Demand Responsibility”

logo_10_decembarA press conference entitled “We Seek Rights and We Demand Responsibility” was organized on the occasion marking International Human Rights Day, December 10th, 2014. The situation concerning human rights in Serbia was presented, measures for the advancement of the protection of human rights were proposed and Serbia’s international obligations with regard to the protection of the rights of all its citizes were emphasized at this press conference.

The President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Sonja Biserko, presented the general framework for the realization of human rights in Serbia. Bobana Macanović from the Autonomous Women’s Center spoke about violence against women and other problems concerning the realization of women’s rights. Milica Lupšor from the Women’s Section in the Equality Association pointed to the violations of women’s employment rights. Jovana Vuković from the Regional Minority Center spoke about the position of Roma people in Serbia. Nada Đuričković from the Reconstruction Women’s Fund and Dea Roma Center organization pointed to the problems encountered by the population affected by the floods in May 2014. Dragoslava Barzut from Labris spoke about the rights and position of the LGBT population. Olivera Otašević from NGO Astra and Marijana Savić from NGO Atina spoke and presented the problems concerning the protection of victims of human trafficking, while Marijana Savić also pointed to the difficult position of migrants in Serbia. Marijana Toma from the Humanitarian Law Center presented the problems encountered in the prosecution of war crimes, realization of victims’ rights and institutional reform. Speaking about the threats addressed to Women in Black, Kristina Todorović pointed to the still present danger that human rights defenders in Serbia still find themselves in.

At the end, Staša Zajović from Women in Black emphasized that, despite having different priorities, human rights organizations have shown by their engagement throughout the previous years that they share the same values and have all contributed to the joint effort to secure respect for human rights in Serbia.

For the report on human rights in Serbia, please click here.
