Towards Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes in Serbia – Session on Presentation of War Crimes Trials in Public

Towards Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes in Serbia – Session on Presentation of War Crimes Trials in Public

post_Sesija_-predstavljanju_sudjenjaThe fifth consultation session with regard to the production of a Draft Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes in Serbia was held on Friday November 21st, 2014, in the Media Centre in Belgrade. This meeting was dedicated to the presentation of war crimes trials in public.

Representatives of the Republic of Serbia Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor (OWCP), the Court of Appeals in Belgrade, and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), as well as legal experts and representatives of injured parties in cases of war crimes, attended this meeting.

The participants discussed the existing practice with regard to the presentation of war crimes trials in public, the cooperation between information services in the judicial bodies and representatives of the expert community, the anonymization of judgments, the possibilities for broadcasting war crimes trials in the media and other relevant issues.

The recommendations made by the participants will be embodied in the Draft Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes in Serbia in the Period 2015-2025, which will be handed to the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Justice by the end of 2014.
