EVENT: Presentation of the Report on War Crimes Trials in 2013.
On July 8 2014 the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) will organise a debate on the Report on War Crimes Trials in 2013. The event will be held in Media Center Belgrade (2nd floor), from 11:00 a.m. until 13:00 p.m.
The Report on War Crimes Trials in 2013 is based on the monitoring and analysis of war crimes trials before the courts in Serbia.
- Romana Schweiger, Head of the Rule of Law and Human Rights,
OSCE Mission to Serbia - Sandra Orlović, HLC Executive Director
- Nikola Čukanović HLC attorney and representative of the victims in the case Ćuška
- Marina Kljajić, HLC attorney and a representative of the victims in the case of Tenja and Lovas
- Bruno Vekarić, Deputy Prosecutor for War Crimes
- Ivan Jovanović, international humanitarian law expert
Representatives of the National Prosecutor’s Office, judges, representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, lawyers, NGO representatives, journalists, the Commissioner for the Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, the Ombudsman, representatives of the Office of Human and Minority Rights, representatives of the Delegation of the European Commission in Belgrade, the ICTY, the Council of Europe, EULEX and embassies have also been invited to participate.
The report and conference is part of “Making Transitional Justice Count in Serbia’s Integration Process” initiative, supported by United states Agency for International Development (USAID) through the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC).
We kindly ask you to confirm your participation to office@hlc-rdc.org or 011/3349-766.
Follow the discussion live on Twitter/ #towardsJUSTICE.