Fictitious statement falsely attributed to the Humanitarian Law Center in Pečat Magazine

An article entitled “Humanitarian Law Center Condemns Novak Đoković’s Humanitarian Action”, authored by Pavle Ćosić, was published in Pečat magazine, issue no. 276, dated July 12th, 2013, in the Agency News Selected by Pavle Ćosić column. The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) would like to point out that the article is entirely fictitious and the HLC never wrote or published the article the author refers to.

The HLC also notes that Pečat magazine failed to mention once in its Agency News Selected by Pavle Ćosić column that the information published was fictitious or satirical, and that, with this failure, the editorial office of this magazine has willfully deceived their readers. By publishing false information which defames individuals, Pečat magazine has breached a number of the provisions of the Public Information Law.

