Practice of Implementing the Law on the Use of Language in the Kosovo Education Process

In the period from February to May 2007, members of the HLC – Kosovo research team monitored if Article 4.4. of the Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Governance in Kosovo and The Law on the Use of Language, which give guarantees to the members of minority communities in Kosovo that they would have education organized in their mother tongue, were implemented. On the basis of interviews conducted with the members of ethnic communities, teachers who teach in the languages of minorities, representatives of the local and central Kosovo institutions, analysis of the Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-Governance in Kosovo, Law on the Use of Language, Law on the Preschool Education, and the Law on Elementary and High School Education, the HLC – Kosovo wants to give a documented account regarding whether or not the guaranteed right of minorities to have education in their mother tongue is respected, to point to the obstacles that stand in the way of the complete implementation of this right, and give recommendations to the Kosovo institutions and UNMIK in order to have the situation considering the education of minority communities’ members in their mother tongue improved, thus enabling their complete integration into society in Kosovo .

