General Assembly of the Coalition for RECOM Adopts the Draft RECOM Statute
The Draft RECOM Statute was adopted at a majority vote of the delegates of the fourth General Assembly of the Coalition for RECOM held in Belgrade on March 26, 2011. This ended a long lasting debate on the Draft RECOM Statute conducted that included many different communities of post-Yugoslav societies and the Draft RECOM Statute became the official Proposed RECOM Statute which will be submitted for adoption by parliaments of the states in the region.
The next step of the Coalition for RECOM is to win a broad support of the public, including a collection of one million signatures from RECOM supporters. This campaign will be conducted by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights throughout the region of the former Yugoslavia.
One million signatures and the Proposed RECOM Statute will be submitted to the parliaments in the region along with a request for all of them to adopt identical laws necessary for the implementation of the Statute.
All until the governments adopt the Proposed RECOM Statute and the suggested laws, the Coalition for RECOM will continue advocating for the Initiative for RECOM before the governments, political parties, and other influential centres of power in the societies in the region.