HLC – Kosovo presents data on the missing and killed in Malishevë/Mališevo
On February 16th 2010 the Humanitarian Law Center – Kosovo (HLC-Kosovo) presented data on the killed and missing victims in the area of the municipality of Malishevë/Mališevo in the period 1998 and 1999. The Presentation, which was held in the hall of the Malishevë/Malishevë Municipal Assembly, was attended by over 90 family members of the killed and missing.
At the beginning of the presentation, the audience was addressed by the deputy mayor, Rexhep Mazreku. He thanked HLC-Kosovo for its engagement in this area and welcomed the families of the killed and missing.
HLC-Kosovo Head of Office, Bekim Blakaj told the public that the goal of HLC-Kosovo was to research and compile a record of killed, missing and casualties on a name-by-name basis in Kosovo in the period from 1998 to December 2000 and to publish the Kosovo Memory Book.
He then introduced the interim results of the record for the municipality of Malishevë/Malishevë, giving details of the total number, their gender, age, etc.
After the presentation, all family members present checked the data about their loved ones in HLC-Kosovo’s database. HLC-Kosovo team received photographs of victims and ten documents from 45 families.