War crimes trials in Serbia are being held before the War Crimes Trials Chamber of the Belgrade District Court founded in July 2003. In addition, two members of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MUP Serbia) are being tried before the District Court in Požarevac for war crimes committed in Kosovo (Orahovac Case). The Niš District Court brought a first instance decision in the trial of two members of MUP Serbia for a murder committed during the armed conflict in Kosovo (the Emini Case), while in the Pakšec Case the Novi Sad District Court brought a first instance decision for the criminal offences of murder and rape.
Pred Sudom BiH u Sarajevu 14.08.2007. godine završeno je suđenje Bobanu Šimšiću, bivšem pripadniku MUP-a Republike Srpske, optuženom za krivično delo zločin protiv čovečnosti. Sud je utvrdio krivičnu odgovornost optuženog i osudio ga je na 14 godina zatvora. Ovo je ponovljeno suđenje nakon ukidanja prvostepene presude od strane veća Apelacionog odjeljenja Odjela I za ratne zločine. Suđenje je počelo 14.09.2005. godine a završeno je donošenjem pravosnažne presude 14.08.2007. godine. Optužnicu je podigao Ibro Bulić, tužilac Tužilaštva BiH u Sarajevu. Optuženog je branio Veljko Čivša, advokat iz Sokoca.
The Belgrade District Court War Crimes Chamber verdict rendered on 10 April 2007 against indicted members of the Scorpions Unit for the execution of
six Bosniak civilians in Trnovo, BiH, committed in July 1995 is not based on the law and facts determined during the trial.