The fifteenth issue of the Bulletin “through ACCESSION towards JUSTICE”
In the new issue of the through ACCSESSION towards JUSTICE Bulletin, Attorney at Law Mr. Mihailo Pavlović, discusses a new attempt by Serbia to legally regulate the provision of free legal assistance. Free legal assistance represents more than a required obligation for harmonization with EU Acquis, but also an obligation towards society’s vulnerable citizens, who would be the greatest beneficiaries of this assistance: a number of which include victims of war crimes.
The News section highlights current developments in the areas of transitional justice and Serbia’s EU integration process, and the War Crimes Trials section offers an overview of recently held trials and rulings delivered.
Send us your opinions and comments on the newsletter and/or the topics discussed to the e-mail address Discussion is also welcome on Twitter/#towardsJUSTICE.
Download your copy of the bulletin here.