International School for Transitional Justice – Call for applications

International School for Transitional Justice – Call for applications

Fond_Logo_200_200Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) invites you to apply for the first International School for Transitional Justice (ISTJ). The International School will take place in Belgrade, Serbia between 6th and 13th of July, 2016.

Participants will attend eight-day intensive programme on transitional justice process in relation to the former Yugoslavia’s conflicts. Programme focuses on judicially established facts before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, domestic war crimes trials, truth-telling and truth seeking processes, programmes of reparations for victims of atrocities, institutional reforms, roles of media, archives and art in post-conflict societal reconstruction and democratization, and other strategies employed to achieve acknowledgment, accountability and reconciliation after a violent conflict. Programme offers a unique focus on the progress of transitional justice processes in the countries established on the territory of the former Yugoslavia.

More information on lectures is available at:

Among the lecturers at the School are the most prominent regional experts on transitional justice, international law, and human rights, etc. On 11th of July, the HLC will organize joint visit and attendance to ceremony marking the Srebrenica genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

HLC encourages persons holding professional posts within civic, public or private sector, post-graduate students and advanced undergraduate students to apply (no country limitation). Five places will be reserved for candidates from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia.

Basic knowledge on transitional justice concepts is required.

Participants have to demonstrate a strong command of English. International school will be conducted in English language. Translation to BCS will be provided.

The HLC cannot award credits directly for participation, but students wishing to obtain credits as a result of our evaluation should consult their own institutions in advance about the acceptability of the ISTJ evaluation for credit purposes.

Deadline for applications is May 1st, 2016. Applications received after the deadline will not be taken into consideration. All applications must include CV, Letter of Motivation and two letters of recommendations.

Online applications can be submitted via ISTJ website:, or sent to the email:

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Tuition and Fees

Fees include the following:

Course Tuition – includes all reading materials;

Daily Meals – includes daily lunches organized and provided by the HLC. Vegetarian and/or vegan diet will be included.

Total Fees:
– Reduced Tuition: 200 Euros for participants from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Serbia;
– Full Tuition: 380 Euros for all other participants.

Registration and payment schedule

Participants are obliged to pay tuition fee before June 1st, 2016. Instructions for payment will be provided on time.

Accommodation and travel

Travel and accommodation costs are not covered by the HLC. However, HLC can offer logistical support in finding the suitable accommodation for participants.

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HLC was established in 1992 by human rights activist Natasa Kandic as a human rights-based non-governmental organization that would document the egregious human rights violations that were then being perpetrated on a massive scale across the former Yugoslavia, during the armed conflicts in Croatia, in Bosnia, and later on Kosovo. Today, HLC Archive and Data Base contain more than 100,000 documents in relation to armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, among them more than 20,000 statements of survivors, families of victims and witnesses of war crimes committed between 1991 and 2001.

More information on the HLC is available at:

In 2012, HLC developed the Programme of Education, by organizing six Schools on Transitional Justice on national and regional level. Around 200 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia attended these programmes.

More information on the Regional school is available at:
