Evaluation of the Database of the Kosovo Memory Book – Conclusions and Recommendations

Evaluation of the Database of the Kosovo Memory Book – Conclusions and Recommendations


In March, 2012, the Humanitarian Law Centre (HLC) asked the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG) to evaluate their database of human losses during armed conflict in the territory of the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) between 1998 and 2000. On December 10th 2014 the evaluation team submitted two reports – one made by HRDAG Executive Director Mr Patrick Ball and HRDAG Field Consultant Ms Jule Kruger, and one made by professor Michael Spagat from the Royal Holloway, University of London:

Patrick Ball and Jule Kruger-Evaluation of the Database KMB-December 10,2014.

Michael Spagat-Evaluation of the Database KMB-December 10,2014

„The most important conclusion from our analysis is that the Kosovo Memory Book database documents all or nearly all the human losses during conflict in Kosovo during the period 1998 – 2000.

Evaluation of the Database of the Kosovo Memory Book
Jule Kruger and Patrick Ball

„It is very unusual for a project documenting war deaths on a case – by – case basis to progress to a point  where it captures virtually every single one of them. The KMBD appears to have reached this point while  simultaneously providing quite a wide range of accurate information on each victim. The Kosovo Memory Book is an extraordinary achievement that stands as a monument both to its victims and to the  human spirit.

A Triumph of Remembering: Kosovo Memory Book 
Professor Michael Spagat


Evaluation of the Database of the Kosovo Memory Book Summary can be downloaded here.

KMB Data Base Graphic Presentation can be downloaded here.
