Students of the “Hands on the Balkans” Programme Visit HLC
On Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 participants of the “Hands on the Balkans” programme, organized by the Thessaloniki Center for Democracy and Reconciliation, visited the Humanitarian Law Centre (HLC). The participants in the program are young students and researchers from faculties of political sciences from across Europe, who during their two-week stay in the Western Balkans region, are learning first-hand about sustainable development and democratization in the region.
Marijana Toma, from the HLC, presented the students with information about all previous efforts in the implementation of measures of transitional justice in Serbia, as well as the contribution of the HLC to the process of dealing with the past and establishing reconciliation in the region. The students were interested in the implementation of mechanisms of transitional justice in Serbia, and in particular the role of the HLC in the process of establishing accountability and reconciliation.