The third issue of the Bulletin Through ACCESSION towards JUSTICE
This issue of the Bulletin deals with matters relating to EU legislative solutions in the area of the rights of victims and the inevitable harmonization of local regulations with the provisions applicable to states striving to become members of the EU. Even though it seems as if this area of interest did not find a place in Serbia’s EU accession process negotiations, the Director of the British non-governmental organization Redress, Carla Ferstman, maintains that this will inevitably become part of the matters under negotiation.
The Bulletin also communicates the exceptionally relevant experience of the Croatian civil society in their recently completed EU accession process. The Director of the Croatian human rights organization Documenta, Vesna Teršelič, writes about the problems, challenges and opportunities that the EU accession negotiations bear for civil society organizations, as well as the importance of the political will within future member states and the European institutions, as regards their involvement in the process.
And, at the end, there are columns in the Bulletin offering an overview of events and war crimes trials in the period following April 1st, 2014.
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Download third issue of the newsletter here.