HLC Kosovo report: Witnesses still The Achilles hell in high profile trials

Kosovo_report_2013_coversAs part of the project Monitoring of Trials for War Crimes and Politically and Ethnically Motivated Criminal Offences, the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo (HLC Kosovo) during 2013[454], continued with the systematic monitoring and analysis of the progress of the most important trials in Kosovo, since these trials attract the greatest attention of professional and general public, monitors, printed and electronic media, civil society and non-governmental sector, as well as international human rights organizations.HLC Kosovo occasionally monitored several trials in several cases which, though are not included in the project of trial monitoring, are still related to it, and have certain level of significance needed to assess the Kosovo judicial system orientation; such is the ethnically motivated criminal case Prosecution against Avdyl Përgjegjaj.

You can download the Report here.
