Dutch MP visits HLC’s office in the Hague

Harry van Bommel, the member of the Dutch Parlament, has visited the Humanitarian Law Center’s office at the Hague Tribunal on June 21 and met with Nenad Golcevski, HLC’s development director and Mustafa Hadziibrahimovic, a member of the HLC’s team for transfer of Tribunal’s archive. As a member of the Socialist Party (Socialistische Partij) Mr. van Bommel has been an MP since 1998. He is also a member of the Dutch Parlament’s commissions for the foreign affairs and the European Union.

During his vist Mr. van Bommel has been informed about the project ‘Copying and Archiving AV Recordings & Documents from the ICTY Trials in BCS Languages’, as with all other activities of the Humanitarian Law Center and the achievements and obstacles in the process of transitional justice in the region of former Yugoslavia.

The member of the Dutch Parlament has given his support to the work of HLC and has said that the local courts for the war crimes in the post-Yugoslav states are very important for the process of facing the past, as well as the activities of truth-seeking and truth-telling, memorialization and realization of victim’s right to reparation. After the meeting, Mr. van Bommel attented the trials of Ratko Mladic and Radovan Karadzic.
