Film ‘Education for Reconciliation’
‘Education for Reconciliation’ is a film produced by the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) on the Regional School for Transitional Justice, organized in January 2013, for 25 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia by HLC, HLC Kosovo and Association Pravnik from B&H. Participants attended a ten-day intensive programme on judicially established facts and war crimes trials, truth commissions, reparations for victims of violence, institutional reforms, roles of media and archives in post-conflict societal reconstruction, and other strategies to achieve reconciliation after a violent conflict. Among the lecturers at the School are most prominent regional experts on transitional justice, culture of memory, rule of law in post-conflict societies, etc. Film ‘Education for Reconciliation’ follows several students of the School, their impressions on the content of the lectures and personal changes they had undergone while being exposed to topics of the School.
Film was prepared with support of the British Embassy in Belgrade.