Followers of Radovan Karadžić’s Persona and Work Should Not Be in SCG Institutions

The Humanitarian Law Center addressed a letter to the SCG (Serbia and Montenegro) and Montenegrin Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Vuk Drašković and Miodrag Vlahović, demanding from them urgent dismissal of the diplomat Novak Kilibarda, who is a Political Advisor in the Embassy in Sarajevo, because of his open long-term support of the Hague indictees’ politics and encouragement of hatred directed against members of other nations. The HLC considers presence of Novak Kilibarda in the SCG Embassy in Sarajevo an offence to the victims, disapproval of their dignity, and admittance that politicians who are still appreciated in Serbia and Montenegro are those who protect the legacy of Slobodan Milošević and Radovan Karadžić.

In this letter addressed to the Ministers, the HLC reminds that Novak Kilibarda, a former leader of the extremely nationalist National Party, stated during his visit to the frontlines in Herzegovina in December 1991, “For the first time, I felt Yugoslav Army as the army of my people, not because it is called Yugoslav, but because those warriors are accomplishing tasks, which were not accomplished neither in the First World War nor in the Second World War. I felt very pleasant when I met numerous members of the National Party, who are at the frontlines. With the help of God and fortune following the heroes, we will celebrate Serb New Year’s on Stradun”. (Narodno ogledalo, [National Mirror], 5 December 1991)

The HLC also reminds that diplomat Novak Kilibarda received Radovan Karadžić’s Medal of Honour for his merits during the years of war. In the Republic of Srpska Assembly session on 9 January 1994, Novak Kilibarda received “Njegoš Medal”. How much he was proud of that medal can only be described by the statement he addressed to Momir Bulatović, which was broadcasted by the media in Belgrade prior to the elections in Montenegro in 1996, “Mr. Bulatović, before the elections you will have to take your medal that you had received from Radovan Karadžić out of the drawer and put it on your chest or return it to Karadžić. I will not return the medal I received from Karadžić. (Naša Borba [Our Battle], 12 July 1996)

The HLC sends a message to the Ministers saying that Serbia and Montenegro needs diplomats who are aware of the heavy legacy that “Serb heroes” Slobodan Milošević, Ratko Mladić, and Radovan Karadžić left, and who are also aware of the necessity to recognize and respect other victims.
