Artists from Kosovo visited HLC
BELGRADE, October 30th, 2011 – Group of four young artists from Kosovo visited Humanitarian Law Center last Sunday and there met with Sandra Orlović, Deputy Executive Director of HLC.
The artists showed special interest in the Kosovo Memory Book, the first volume of which published in September this year and which documents and presents human losses during the year of 1998. They were also interested in reactions of families and politicians to the fact that the Kosovo Memory Book describes human losses of all ethnic groups. The attention was drawn to the fact that a lot of children were killed during the war in Kosovo. They agreed that the presentation of individual fates of people and circumstances under which they lost their lives or disappeared, represents the best testimony of such a burdensome past.
Visar Krusha, Arif Muharremi, Arian Krasniqi i Jeton Rushiti are artists in the fields of filmmaking , visual arts, music and literature. They visited Belgrade as a part of the Heartefact Fund’s visiting program, which organizes visits of Kosovo artists to visit Serbia and vice-versa.