Presentation of the list of the killed, dead and missing in the municipality of Malishevё/Mališevo
On 16th February 2010 HLC Kosovo presented the results of the record of killed and missing in the area of municipality of Malishevё/Mališevo. Supported by the Municipal Assembly of Malishevё/Mališevo, the presentation was held in the hall of the Municipal Assembly, and the audience was first addressed by Rexhep Mazreku, deputy of Mayor. He thanked HLC for working on enlightening the truth about all victims who were killed or went missing. On the presentation took part more than 100 family members of victims, municipal officers and local media.
After presentation all family members of victims checked data of their loved ones on HLC data base. Staff HLC Kosovo collected 55 photographs of victims from their family members and 14 copies of different documentation. Family members of victims filled out 88 forms with exact personal data’s of the victims.
Presentation (in Serbian) of the list of the killed, dead and missing in the municipality of Malishevё/Mališevo.