Dossier: Rudnica

Dossier: Rudnica

post_dosije_rudnica_engAt the time of the publication of this Dossier (January 2015), the mortal remains of 52 people were exhumed from Rudnica and identified. DNA analysis conducted on the remains has shown that they belong to Kosovo Albanians killed during the Kosovo conflict in 1999. According to a representative of the Commission on Missing Persons of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, search of the Rudnica site will continue if the relevant institutions come up with new data.


Dossier on “125th Motorized Brigade of the Yugoslav Army”

Dossier on “125th Motorized Brigade of the Yugoslav Army”

The Dossier presents the operation of this Yugoslav Army unit during the war in Kosovo and the crimes committed in  this unit’s zone of responsibility, where 1,813 Kosovo Albanian civilians were killed, 216 of whom are still registered as missing. None of the perpetrators of these war crimes have been prosecuted to date.


HLC presents “The 549th Motorised Brigade of the Yugoslav Army” Dossier

On Wednesday, 20 March 2013, the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) presented the File on the 549th Motorised Brigade of the Yugoslav Army – a unit which was under the command of  Božidar Delić during the Kosovo conflicts.


Dossier 549th Motorized Brigade of Yugoslav Army

The Dossier describes operations of this Yugoslav Army unit during the war in Kosovo as well as the crimes committed in its area of responsibility in which more than 2,000 Albanian civilians were killed. There has not been a single trial of persons responsible for these crimes before courts in Serbia.


Annex to the Ljubisa Dikovic’s File – integral documents from the Yugoslavian Army

Here you can download the documents of the Yugoslavian Army [Source: Judicial data base of the ICTY], which further confirms the allegations of the HLC, presented in the File ‘Ljubisa Dikovic’, in their integral form.


Annex to Ljubisa Dikovic’s File

The annex contains excerpts from public documents of the Yugoslav Army, which additionally prove the allegations made by HLC, which have been expressed in the Ljubiša Diković Dossier, published on January 23rd, 2012 regarding the presence  of the Yugoslav Army 37th Motorized Brigade units in the area of Drenice in Kosovo, where mass killings of Albanian civilians and other gross violations of international humanitarian law occurred. You may download the document here.


Documents relating to items 3, 4, and 5 of the “Ljubiša Diković” file

Download documents:

Here you can read the aforementioned items of the “Ljubiša Diković” file that these documents relate to: (soon in English).


New Chief of Staff of the Army of the Republic of Serbia Has Tainted Past

Ample evidence – including that on which the ICTY verdict in Milutinovic et al  was founded; the statements of the survivors of the Drenica massacre, who either testified before the ICTY, or who have given statements to the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC); documents stored in the ICTY’s public database – all indicate that a number of serious and massive war crimes were committed against ethnic Albanian civilians in the then zone of responsibility of the newly appointed Chief of Staff of the Army of the Republic of Serbia, Lt. Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic, who at the time the crimes were committed was Commander of the 37th Motorized Brigade of the Army of the FRY. During the NATO bombing, war crimes were committed by members of Yugoslav Army (VJ) forces and forces of the Ministry of the Interior (MUP). Although he was legally and professionally responsible for preventing the crimes, the commander of the 37th Motorized Brigade failed to do so. To date, no members or commanders of the units that took part in the commission of the war crimes in Cirez/Qirez, Staro Cikatovo/ Çikatovё e Vjetёr, Baks, Vrbovac/Vërboc, and Glogovac/Gllogoc, where no less than 200 civilians were killed in four weeks, have been prosecuted.


“Ljubisa Dikovic” file

The Humanitarian Law Center announces the “Ljubiša Diković” File. The document contains facts relating to the actions of the former Commander of the 37th Motorized Brigade during the war, as well as ICTY exhibits pertaining to war crimes committed in the area of responsibility of the war commander Ljubiša Diković.


Dossier “The 10th Sabotage Detachment of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska”

Dossier “The 10th Sabotage Detachment of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska”

10dive-dosije-enThe 10th Sabotage Detachment, unit of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) participated in the commission of genocide in Srebrenica in July 1995. It has been established that members of this detachment took part in two mass executions of Muslims from Srebrenica.

On 16 July 1995, at the Branjevo Military Farm in the village of Pilice, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), eight members of the 10th Sabotage Detachment, acting on orders issued by Dragomir Pećanac and Milorad Pelemiš, executed approximately 1,200 Muslim prisoners from Srebrenica. The firing squad included Franc Kos, Marko Boškić, Aleksandar Cvetković, Dražen Erdemović, Brano Gojković, Vlastimir Golijan, Zoran Goronja, and Stanko Savanović.

The second mass execution was conducted on 23 July 1995 in the village of Bišina, when members of the 10th Sabotage Detachment, following orders issued previously by Petar Salapura and Milorad Pelemiš, killed at least 39 Muslim prisoners. The identity of the soldiers who conducted this execution remains unknown.

Dossier “The 10th Sabotage Detachment of the Main Staff of the Army of Republika Srpska” can be downloaded here.

Digital narrative based on the dossier can be seen here.
