Gjelosh Krasniqi, a member of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was sentenced on 29 April 2009 to seven years of imprisonment for a war crime against civilian population committed during the armed conflict in Kosovo in 1999. The court proceedings conducted before the Peć/Pejë District Court Trial Chamber presided by Judge Gjanfranco Gallo was fair, but the sentence was inadequately mild in comparison with the gravity of the crime committed.
On 13 March 2009 the internationalized trial chamber of the Kosovo Supreme Court acquitted a Kosovo Albanian Florim Ejupi of all charges in relation to the terrorist attack on the Niš-Ekspress bus, which occurred on 16 February 2001 in the vicinity of Podujevo in which 11 Serbs were killed and ten were wounded “due to lack of evidence.”
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International Juvenile Trial Chamber of the Priština/Prishtinë District Court, presided by Judge Dennis Luebke, rendered a judgment on 10 February 2009 convicting MS for a quadruple aggravated murder and two attempted murders committed in June 1999 in Priština/Prishtinë and sentenced him to the maximum sentence of 10 years in jail. MS was a juvenile at the time of the commission of the crime.
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