#weremember: Camps for Croats in Serbia

Between September 1991 and August 1992, several camps and transit centers existed on the territory of Serbia for captured fighters and civilians from Croatia. In these facilities, detainees were subjected to daily psychological and physical abuse.
The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) recalls that on this day 33 years ago, Croatian forces and civilians were detained and taken to the camp at the “Livade” farm in the village of Stajićevo near Zrenjanin (Serbia), which was established by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA). This occurred after the JNA, the Serbian Territorial Defense (TO) of Vukovar, and paramilitary units from Serbia captured Vukovar on November 18, 1991. Besides Stajićevo, detainees were sent to camps in Sremska Mitrovica, Aleksinac, and Niš, as well as to the Military Investigative Prison in Belgrade and the camp in Begejci, which had been operational since September. All those camps except the one in Niš, which was under the responsibility of the JNA’s 3rd Military District, were under the jurisdiction of the 1st Military District. The camps were guarded by members of the JNA Military Police.