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Sorry, this entry is only available in srpski.
The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) is asking the War Crimes Prosecution Office to initiate a pretrial investigation in connection with the war crimes committed in Antin, Republic of Croatia, following the establishment of the Serb authority (the authority of the Yugoslav National Army, YNA) over the territory of Eastern Slavonija in August 1991, pointing out to the evidence indicating that those crimes had been committed by the members of the volunteer units from Serbia, “Šešelj’s followers”, and of some others, among whom the survivors mention the vice-president of the Serb Radical Party, Tomislav Nikolić.
The draft of a Declaration on Srebrenica put forth to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia by the following non-governmental organizations: Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Civic Initiatives, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Women in Black, Belgrade Circle, Humanitarian Law Center and Youth Initiative for Human Rights. On the strength of Article 72, paras 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 2, and Article 73, para 1.2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, and Articles 130 and 156 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia,