Krivična prijava zbog proterivanja Roma

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Sexual Harassment Of Female Customs Officer

The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) considers that the court should set aside the decision of the Niš Customs Office to transfer Anita Nikolić to a new workplace and order that the court costs be paid by the defendant.  The HLC believes the decision to be unlawful and controversial.


Diskriminacija nad bolesnom Romkinjom

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Article 70 Of Law On Judges Found Unconstitutional

Considering a petition submitted by the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC), the Serbian Constitutional Court has found that Article 70 of the Law on Judges is in contravention of the principle of separation of powers enshrined in Article 9 of the Serbian Constitution.  The Court ruled the provision in violation also of Article 101 (4) of the Constitution, which states that the Supreme Court, not the Judicial Administration Council (JAC), establishes when reasons exist for removal from judicial office.
