Publication and distribution of volumes containing transcripts from the trial of Slobodan Milosevic

Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) started publication and distribution of the volumes containing transcripts from the trial of Slobodan Milosevic in BCS languages, which represents the third phase of the project “Transfer of The Hague Documentation and the Creation of the Transcript Archives in BCS Languages – Trial of Slobodan Milosevic”. The first stage involves transfer of the Hague documentation (video recording of the trial session in the DVD format and photocopying of evidence and additional documentation), while the second stage is transcript production and redaction of transcripts in BCS languages.


Natasa Kandic, one of the sixty heroes of the “Time” magazine

On November 13, 2006, the European “Time” magazine published a special edition titled “Sixty Years of Heroes”, with 60 names of those who, by the Time’s standards, have been influencing our lives since 1946. Natasa Kandic, the Humanitarian Law Centre Executive Director was named one of them.


Natasa Kandic Recognised by the President of Croatia

Natasa Kandic, HLC Executive Director, received the Medal of Danica of Croatia on November 7, 2006. This recognition was awarded to Ms Kandic by the President of the Republic of Croatia Stjepan Mesic. She was recognised as an individual who, through her work and commitment, contributed to advancement of moral values.

Ms Kandic received the medal at the Croatian residence in Belgrade from H.E. Mr Tonci Stanicic, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Serbia, who noted that Natasa Kandic “is the first person to establish contact with the victims following armed conflicts and their horrors.” “She demonstrated to Croats as well as everyone else in the region that crimes have no nationality and that one can speak about the crimes committed by others only once they clean up their own back yard,” added Ambassador Stanicic.


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Criminal charges against unidentified members of the Užički Corps

Criminal charges against unidentified members of the Užički Corps

#IzSudnice - Sajt - 4The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) filed criminal charges at the Office of the District Prosecutor in Užice related to an armed attack on the Muslim village of Kukurovići in the Priboj municipality conducted by unidentified members of the Užički Corps, a division of the Yugoslav Army. The attack happened on February 18 and April 11 of 1993. On that occasion three civilians were killed and the property of the majority of the population of the village completely destroyed.
