Serbian Ministry of Interior ordered to disclose Information about Wartime Detention Camps for Bosniaks

The Commissioner for Information of Public Interest ordered the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior (MoI) on 23 May 2008 to inform the Humanitarian Law Center, without any delay and at the latest within three days from receiving the decision, if it possesses a document or other legal act concerning detention camps in Šljivovica and Mitrovo Polje for Bosniaks from Žepa and to deliver the list of MoI officers that worked in these camps. HLC received the Commissioner’s decision on 29 May 2008.


HLC Kosovo: Trial and Verdict of Florim Ejupi for Terrorism brings Victims Justice

On 6 June 2008 Priština District Court International Trial Chamber, presided by international judge Hajnalk Karpati, found Florim Ejupi guilty of terrorism for his role in an a attack on the Niš-Express bus in Livadice in the vicinity of Podujevo on 16 February 2001 in which 11 Serbs were killed and 46 wounded, and convicted him to 40 years in prison.


Verdict on Generals Ademi and Norac Case brings no Justice to Victims

The trial of two Croatian generals, Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac, for crimes committed against civilians and prisoners of war in theMedak Pocket was conducted with efficiency and a high degree of professionalism; the Presiding Judge prevented the politicisation of the trial and gave the victims who participated in the trial dignity. However, the verdict reached on 30 May 2008, though it established that war crimes against Serbian civilians and prisoners of war had been committed in 1993, ignored the facts pointing to the responsibility of the defendants.
