Testimony of Ćamil Durmišević in the compensation lawsuit of Enes Bogilović and Mušan Džebo

On Thursday, May 31st, 2012, Ćamil Durmišević testified before the First Basic Court in Belgrade in a compensation lawsuit against the Republic of Serbia, initiated by the Humanitarian Law Center on November 20th, 2007, on behalf of Enes Bogilović and Mušan Džebo, former detainees of the Šljivovica and Mitrovo Polje camps.


President of Serbia to Give Up Rethoric and Acts from the Past

Following on from his recent statement that Vukovar was a Serbian city, the newly appointed President of the Republic of Serbia has made another serious mistake. In an interview with RTCG (the Montenegrin national broadcaster) on May 31st, 2012 he denied that genocide had been committed in Srebrenica, thus damaging the image of the Reublic of Serbia, which has previously recognized and accepted the judgment of the International Court of Justice, by which it was established that the Army of Republika Srpska committed genocide against Bosnian Muslims in Srebrenica.


Le président serbe Tomislav Nikolic nie le génocide à Srebrenica, en Bosnie

PODGORICA, 1 juin 2012 (AFP) – Le président serbe Tomislav Nikolic a nié l’existence d’un génocide en 1995 à Srebrenica, en Bosnie, déclaration qui remet en cause son prétendu abandon de l’ultranationalisme et qui va dégrader les relations dans une région toujours profondément marquées par les guerres des années 1990.


American Academicians in HLC

A group of American academicians visited the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) on Friday, May 25th, 2012 as part of their political study visit, which is aimed at researching of how Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina have changed after the toppling of Milošević. The study group is lead by Nicholas Wood, a former New York Times reporter in the region, and it gathers journalists, publicists, businessmen, and former ambassadors. In her opening address, Nataša Kandić, the HLC Executive Director, spoke about the current political situation in the country and the need for the society to deal with the past as soon as possible.
