Exhibition ArchiWar: Stories and Memories of the Srebrenica Genocide by Jelena Jaćimović

Exhibition ArchiWar: Stories and Memories of the Srebrenica Genocide by Jelena Jaćimović


Exhibition ArchiWar: Stories and Memories of the Srebrenica Genocide by Jelena Jaćimović, organised in cooperation with the Humanitarian Law Center, will open in the Center for Cultural Decontamination on 28 September at 7PM.

The exhibition by Jelena Jaćimović represents a way of resisting the dominant memory politics in Serbia based on nationalism and militarism that encompasses the denial of war crimes and genocide committed by Serb forces, glorification of sentenced war criminals and army, and instrumentalisation of Serb victims.


Policy Paper: The 1990s Wars in Former Yugoslavia in History Education

Policy Paper: The 1990s Wars in Former Yugoslavia in History Education

predlog-prakticne-primene-enThe state authorities in Serbia have formally committed to raising awareness about the 1990s wars in former Yugoslavia, the war crimes committed during them, and the necessity for their prosecution. The National Strategy for the Prosecution of War Crimes, which the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted in 2016, sets raising awareness and outreach in society as one of its goals. Within the outreach section, the National Strategy addresses formal education, but very briefly, and without binding regulations for educational authorities. The ongoing problem is that, in practice, formal education does not dedicate a lot of attention to the wars that followed the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Although education is mentioned, the National Strategy has not initiated any changes in the way the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s are taught.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Online Discussion: “The 1990s Wars in History Education”

ANNOUNCEMENT: Online Discussion: “The 1990s Wars in History Education”

Ratovi-1990-ih-u-nastavi-istorije-thumbMore than two decades have passed since the end of the armed conflicts on the territory of the former Yugoslavia which took more than 130,000 lives. In today’s Serbia, the official memory politics on this period is characterised by historical revisionism, which sees the wars of the 1990s through a binary ethnocentric narrative about Serbian heroes and victims. Convicted war criminals enjoy public and institutional support, and many are even politically active. At the same time, in the memory politics and public discourses, the facts established before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and in numerous research projects are ignored or denied.


The English episode of Memory Cultures in Dialogue podcast is out

The English episode of Memory Cultures in Dialogue podcast is out

KS-logoHow and why does wartime violence against civilians occur in the communities that have lived together in peace for a long time? Why does this happen in some local-level communities and not in others? How does memory of the past waves of violence matter in this context? In our first episode in English, we are discussing these questions on the examples of armed conflicts in Croatia, Uganda and Guatemala. Our guest is Mila Dragojević, Associate Professor in Politics at the University of South, Sewanee and the author of Amoral Communities: Collective Crimes in Time of War.


Humanitarian Law Center is starting an audio podcast and blog Memory Cultures in Dialogue

Humanitarian Law Center is starting an audio podcast and blog Memory Cultures in Dialogue


The first episode of “Memory Cultures in Dialogue”, an podcast of the Humanitarian Law Center, has been released.

What are memory cultures? What is the purpose of politics of memory? What do young people today learn and know about the recent history? In the introductory podcast episode, we are discussing memory cultures and politics. Our guests are historian Olga Manojlović Pintar from the Institute for Recent History of Serbia and sociologist Tamara Pavasović Trošt from the University of Ljubljana.
