Poseta studenata sa Kosova

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Poseta novinara iz Preševa i Bujanovca

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HLC Press Conference – 17.06.2008.

Press Conference organized by the Humanitarian Law Center at the Tanjug International Press Center (Knez Mihailova 6/III, Belgrade) on Tuesday, 17 June 2008, between 13:00 – 14:00.

Speakers comprise Members of the HLC Executive Board:
Professor Zoran Pajić: the situation of victims in war crimes trials
Florence Hartmann: the fate of the disappeared and the future of the Hague Tribunal Archive
Nataša Kandić: Initiative for a Regional Commission to establish and disclose the facts about war crimes
Tea Gorjanc: Social dialogue about the consequences of the past in the context of the obligations of EU candidate countries


Vukovar 1991 Association and HLC on Detention Camps in Serbia


Vukovar 1991 Association and HLC held a press conference in Belgrade on 22 May 2008 about the criminal complaint that the Vukovar 1991 Association submitted to the war crimes prosecutor relating to the unlawful detention of Croats in camps in Serbia in the period from October 1991 until August 1992. Journalists from local media and several journalists from Croatian TV stations and newspapers attended this press conference.


Security Issues, Employment and Application of Law on the Use of Languages and the Anti-discrimination Law in Kosovo

In the period: January – April 2008, the Humanitarian Law Center – Kosovo (HLC-Kosovo) conducted thematic research related to two different periods: the first period – from January until Kosovo’s declaration of independence on 17 February 2008 and the second – from the declaration of independence until April 2008.

During the first period, HLC-Kosovo researched the extent to which citizens had equal freedom of movement, access to municipal and other Kosovo institutions, such as health institutions, as well as the extent to which provisions of the Law on the Use of Languages and the Anti-discrimination Law were applied. This research also sought to establish whether citizens of Kosovo are satisfied with the services provided by public companies and whether Kosovo citizens’ right to information in their own languages is respected. During the period after 17 February 2008, HLC-Kosovo conducted research primarily to assess the freedom of movement of Kosovo–Serbs. Research also assessed the extent to which minority citizens have quit their jobs, the number of minority employees that have returned to their workplaces, and the response of the Kosovo institutions.


Trials for ethnically motivated 33 crimes and war crimes in Kosovo Report for 2007

The office of the Humanitarian Law Center in Kosovo (HLC-Kosovo) is working to document facts that will assist society in Kosovo to deal with the recent past, while at the same time promoting the protection of minority rights, whose unsatisfactory situation is largely a legacy of the recent past. HLC-Kosovo seeks to counter denial and political manipulation of human losses, and ensure the integrity and transparency of war crimes trials dealing with those losses. It also seeks to promote and monitor the protection of minority rights, which are fundamental to Kosovo’s democratic development, to prospects for minority return, and ultimately to a peaceful relationship between Kosovo and Serbia.
