Outreach Presentations Resume for Kosovo High School Students

The Tribunal’s Outreach Programme today launched a fresh round of its popular high school presentation programmes in Kosovo for the 2010 – 2011 school year.

The programme, backed by the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, includes a series of presentations at 15 Gymnasium High Schools during the autumn and winter terms of the academic year as part of the Civic Education syllabus.


Josipović: Justice, peace, and understanding are not achieved easily

BELGRADE, July 19, 2010 – President of Croatia Ivo Josipović talked today with representatives of non-governmental organizations from Serbia and said that he would personally continue using his political engagement to contribute to the reconciliation in the region.


Students from Munich visited HLC

Art students, political science students, and students of history of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe of the Ludvig Maximus University from Munich and their professors visited the Humanitarian Law Centre on June 18, 2010.



As national football teams fight it out at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, another team is lined up to fight for human rights.

The 11 members of Stand Up United defender human rights around the world. They have a common goal – equality, dignity and justice for all.

Whatever human rights they defend, Stand Up United is sure to face strong opposition. But with your support they can win.

Be a champion of human rights: take action and support Stand Up United!


Conference: Assessment of access to justice for minorities in Kosovo

On April 20th 2010 HLC Kosovo held a conference on its assessment of minorities’ access to justice in Kosovo, at which HLC Kosovo presented its report on access to justice. The conference was attended by 60 participants, mainly representatives of the district courts, municipal courts, municipal courts for violations, court liaison offices, representatives of EULEX, a ECLO, ICO’s, Ombudsperson, representatives of local and foreign NGOs. The conference was attended by several members of minority communities living in Kosovo.


HLC Executive Director presents RECOM Initiative to Banja Luka students

Banjaluka, BiH, March 27, 2010

On March 27th 2010, Nataša Kandić, Executive Director of the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) addressed students at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Banja Luka, BiH, upon an invitation by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Center for Student Democracy, and the Faculty of Philosophy. In a lecture prepared for this occasion, Ms. Kandić said that dealing with our past and our own crimes is a prerequisite for the democratization of society and in that context she talked about war crimes trials before national jurisdictions and the RECOM process.


Seminar o reparacijama u Novom Pazaru

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Panel discussion – Dealing with the Past: the experience of Chile and Peru

On behalf of the Coalition for RECOM, the Humanitarian Law Center will hold a panel discussion on:

Dealing with the Past: the experience of Chile and Peru


Thursday 18th March between 1400 and 1600

at the Center for Cultural Decontamination

(Birčaninova 21, 11000 Belgrade).
