Access to documents related to crimes against international law in the possesion of Serbian institutions: State Secret Prevails over Right to the Truth

Access to documents related to crimes against international law in the possesion of Serbian institutions: State Secret Prevails over Right to the Truth

Drzavna tajnaOpen access to archives which contain documents that can assist in determining the facts about past human rights violations is a key prerequisite for the establishment of transitional justice processes and mechanisms. In societies like the Serbian, which have experienced periods marked by systematic violence, access to information regarding human rights violations is an essential element of the right of victims and society as a whole to know the truth.


Conference for Presentation of Report “Access to Documents on Crimes against International Law in the Possession of Serbian Institutions: State Secret Stronger than Right to Truth”

Conference for Presentation of Report “Access to Documents on Crimes against International Law in the Possession of Serbian Institutions: State Secret Stronger than Right to Truth”

Drzavna tajnaThe Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) will present its report “Access to Documents on Crimes against International Law in the Possession of Serbian Institutions: State Secret Stronger than Right to Truth” on Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 at 12:00, at the Media Centre (2nd floor) in Belgrade.


Third National School of Transitional Justice Begins

Third National School of Transitional Justice Begins

Fond_Logo_200_200The third National School of Transitional Justice was opened on the premises of the Humanitarian Law Center’s (HLC) Library on Thursday, March 24th, 2016, with a lecture on establishing justice for war crimes committed in the post-Yugoslav states. The School was opened by Ms. Marijana Toma, the HLC Education Programme Director. The National School of Transitional Justice is a two-month programme of informal education on instruments for dealing with the past, organized and implemented by the HLC as part of its Education Programme.


War Crimes Trials in Serbia in 2014 and 2015

War Crimes Trials in Serbia in 2014 and 2015

Predstavljanje izveštaja o suđenjima za ratne zločine 2014-15On Thursday, March 3, 2016, the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) presented the Report on War Crimes Trials in Serbia in 2014 and 2015, and organised a debate on this occasion. The Report includes an analysis of 27 cases that were conducted before the courts in Serbia, the general findings about the war crimes trials, and an overview of the sociopolitical events that were of importance to the war crimes trials in Serbia in the said period.


Revealing the fate of missing persons a prerequisite for reconciliation and establishing the rule of law in Serbia

Revealing the fate of missing persons a prerequisite for reconciliation and establishing the rule of law in Serbia

Resavanje sudbine nestalih licaThe third in a row of meetings on the importance of including transitional justice in the Republic of Serbia’s European integration process was held on February 24th, 2016, in the Humanitarian Law Center’s (HLC) Library. Representatives from the embassies of Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovakia, United States of America, Croatia, Norway, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from the OSCE Mission to Serbia, along with a liaison officer from Kosovo participated in the meeting.


SIT Students’ Visit

SIT Students’ Visit

Studenti SIT u poseti FHP-uStudents of the School for International Training (SIT) visited the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) on Tuesday, 23 February 2016. The students attend various universities in the United States, and they are visiting Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo as part of the SIT Peace Study Programme organized within the Center for Comparative Conflict Studies at the Faculty of Media and Communications.


EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Debate regarding the presentation of the Report on War Crimes Trials 2014-15

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Debate regarding the presentation of the Report on War Crimes Trials 2014-15

Logo FHPOn Thursday March 3rd 2016 the Humanitarian Law Center will organize a debate regarding the presentation of the Report on War Crimes Trials 2014-15. The debate will take place in Media Center in Belgrade at 12:00.


International School for Transitional Justice – Call for applications

International School for Transitional Justice – Call for applications

Fond_Logo_200_200Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) invites you to apply for the first International School for Transitional Justice (ISTJ). The International School will take place in Belgrade, Serbia between 6th and 13th of July, 2016.


Meeting of Organizations from the Region Documenting Human Rights Violations

Meeting of Organizations from the Region Documenting Human Rights Violations

Sastanak organizacija iz regiona koje se bave dokumentovanjem povreda ljudskih pravaA consultative meeting with representatives of organizations from the region working on documenting human rights violations committed during and in connection with the wars in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990’s was held on February 4th, 2016, in the Library of the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC). Representatives of the Center for Democracy and Transitional Justice (BiH), Association of Women from Prijedor “Izvor” (BiH), Center for Dealing with the Past – Documenta (Croatia), Vojvodinian Civic Center (Serbia), Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Croatia, Association of Witnesses and Survivors of Genocide (BiH), Association of Concentration Camp Survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Engine Room (Croatia), Sandžak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms (Serbia), the HLC and HLC Kosovo participated in this meeting.
