The “Besieged Sarajevo” Exhibition is the story of the life of the citizens during the siege of Sarajevo, and about the persistence, resourcefulness and creativity of the Sarajevans who lived 1,335 days without electricity, water or heating. At the exhibition you can see how daily life in the city flowed, where and how Sarajevans procured food and water, how the markets and streets looked, how people communicated, how hospitals and schools operated, and how cultural life was fostered and developed… The story of the siege is told through photographs, documents and objects made by the citizens. This is a permanent exhibition of the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Citizens of Sarajevo also participated in the process of its creation, donating war items to the Museum, and sharing their war stories and memories.
In cooperation with the History Museum of BiH, the Humanitarian Law Center will open the exhibition on September 25th 2018 at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Stari grad “Parobrod” in Belgrade (Kapetan Mišina 6a), starting at 7 p.m. Until October 6, 2018, several accompanying events will be organized as part of the exhibition, including:
27. IX at 5 p.m. Public lecture on the Siege of Sarajevo
4. X at 6 p.m. Movie “The Siege”, Remy Ourdan
- A talk with the author and the citizens of Sarajevo
- (reserve your seat at:
5. X at 7 p.m. Book launch and discussion
“Some Kind of Justice – The ICTY’s Impact in Bosnia and Serbia”, Diane Orentlicher
- Diane Orentlicher, Washington College of Law, US
- Hrvoje Klasić, Historian, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Erna Mačkić, Balkan Investigative Research Network, BH
- Adriatik Kelmendi, journalist, Kosovo
- Nemanja Stjepanović, journalist, Serbia
The entrance to the exhibition is free of charge. For any additional information please send an email to or call (011) 3349-766.
The exhibition is supported by the Embassy of Switzerland to Serbia and to Montenegro, the Civil Rights Defenders, and the Heinrich Böll Foundation – Office in Belgrade