Law Students from Priština Monitor the Trial for Crimes Committed in Ćuška Village

Belgrade, March 28, 2011 – The Humanitarian Law Center made arrangements for law students from the University in Priština to visit Belgrade. During their stay in Belgrade they are monitoring the war crime trial of individuals charged with crimes committed in the Ćuška village in 1999 held before the War Crimes Trial Department of the High Court in Belgrade.


General Assembly of the Coalition for RECOM Adopts the Draft RECOM Statute


The Draft RECOM Statute was adopted at a majority vote of the delegates of the fourth General Assembly of the Coalition for RECOM held in Belgrade on March 26, 2011. This ended a long lasting debate on the Draft RECOM Statute conducted that included many different communities of post-Yugoslav societies and the Draft RECOM Statute became the official Proposed RECOM Statute which will be submitted for adoption by parliaments of the states in the region.


Students from Priština Visit HLC

Six students from Priština visited the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) in Belgrade where they were informed about the Initiative for the Creation of a Regional Commission Tasked with Establishing the Facts About War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed on the Territory of the Former SFRY in the period from 1991-2001 (RECOM) and the “Kosovo Memory Book” project.


Youth from Priština Visits Belgrade

Six students from Priština visited the Humanitarian Law Center as part of their three day long visit to Belgrade.

The Initiative for RECOM Regional Coordinator, Jelena Krstić, presented the Initiative for Establishing the Regional Commission for Establishing Facts About War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia in Period 1991-2001.


Godišnjica masakra na Markalama

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The European Union is closely monitoring the issue of recognition of Pristina University in Serbia

With reference to the letter sent by the Preševo Human Rights Committee to Catherine Ashton,  High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Union, protesting the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia not to recognize diplomas issued by universities in Priština, European Union representatives for the Balkans Pierre Mirrel andd Gunar Vigand responded that the issue of education and in particular the issue of university diploma accreditation is carefully considered by the EU. They added that they would encourage both sides to reach a solution compatible with European standards.


The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly adopted the Resolution entitled “Reconciliation and political dialogue between the countries of the former Yugoslavia”

On January 26, 2011, the Parliamentary Assembly adopted the Resolution 1786 (2011) expressing the support for endeavours in the countries of the former Yugoslavia aimed at achieving reconciliation and establishing new relations between the countries, praising their commitment to the regional cooperation and willingness to overcome the legacy of the past.


Kosovo: Crimes were committed under the noses of the international community

Serb activists say Marty report shows international inaction -AFP “All abductions of Serbs and Romas took place in the presence of KFOR, United Nations institutions and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) institutions and no one reacted,”  Serbia’s leading human rights activist Natasa Kandic of the Humanitarian Law Centre told AFP.
