Suđenja za ratne zločine u Srbiji u 2007.

War crimes trials in Serbia are being held before the War Crimes Trials Chamber of the Belgrade District Court founded in July 2003. In addition, two members of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MUP Serbia) are being tried before the District Court in Požarevac for war crimes committed in Kosovo (Orahovac Case). The Niš District Court brought a first instance decision in the trial of two members of MUP Serbia for a murder committed during the armed conflict in Kosovo (the Emini Case), while in the Pakšec Case the Novi Sad District Court brought a first instance decision for the criminal offences of murder and rape.


Etničke zajednice na Kosovu u 2006.

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Victim/Witness Counselling and Legal Representation: a Model of Support – Project implementation report

In the period following the toppling of Slobodan Milošević, the transitional government supported domestic war crimes trials, but it soon became clear that serious impediments existed. Police was not willing to share its data on war crimes perpetrators with prosecutors, primarily because most of them belonged to the police. On the other hand, prosecutors and judges were not able to secure victims’ participation in war crimes trials because of their mistrust in Serbian institutions.


Podujevo 1999 – Beyond Reasonable Doubt

The book in front of you portrays the court truth about the responsibility of Saša Cvjetan, charged with the war crime against civilian population committed on 28 March 1999 in Podujevo, Kosovo. The documents, chronologically sorted, show how a trial, initiated on a factually incomplete and selective indictment, grew into a serious process against denial, lies, and impunity.

The great merit in this process belongs to Judge Biljana Sinanović who was led in this proces exclusively by the law, as well as to the surviving children, whose words in the courtroom we listened to with the feeling of shame not being able to look them in the eye.


Etničke manjine na Kosovu u 2005.

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