Press release: Minister Vulin continuously in the company of war crimes convicts

Press release: Minister Vulin continuously in the company of war crimes convicts

vulin-saopstenje-enAccording to some media reports, Saša Cvjetan, a member of the “Scorpions” unit who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2005 for war crimes against Albanian civilians during the Kosovo war, was an honoured guest at the commemoration of Srebrenica Municipality Day on March 11 this year. At the ceremony, seated  in the same row as Cvjetan, was Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who also gave a speech on that occasion.

The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) believes that it is inadmissible that state officials of Serbia be found in the company of war criminals, thereby knowingly affording them the legitimacy to participate in political life. It is in this way that the rehabilitation of those convicted of the most serious crimes during the wars of the 1990s and historical revisionism of court-established facts are carried out.


WE REMEMBER: 29 years since the crime in Štrpci

WE REMEMBER: 29 years since the crime in Štrpci

fhp-zuc-sozps-yihr-thumbOn Sunday, February 27, 2022, it will be 29 years since the crime in Štrpci (Bosnia and Herzegovina), in which members of the Army of the Republic of Srpska (VRS) kidnapped and killed 20 non-Serb civilians, passengers on a train travelling from Belgrade to Bar. The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC), Women in Black, Sandžak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms and Youth Initiative for Human Rights recall the public’s attention to the fact that victims’ families have been waiting for judicial justice in Serbia, and the recognition of their status as family members of civilian victims of war, for 29 years now. For 29 years the public has been waiting for the recognition, accountability and memorialisation of victims by the institutions of Serbia.

The victims of this crime are: Esad Kapetanović, Ilijaz Ličina, Fehim Bakija, Šećo Softić, Rifat Husović, Halil Zupčević, Senad Đečević, Jusuf Rastoder, Ismet Babačić, Tomo Buzov, Adem Alomerović, Muhedin Hanić, Safet Preljević, Džafer Topuzović, Rasim Ćorić, Fikret Memović, Fevzija Zeković, Nijazim Kajević, Zvjezdan Zuličić and one unidentified person. The victims were from both Serbia and Montenegro, from Belgrade, Prijepolje, Bijelo Polje and Podgorica. The oldest victim was 59 and the youngest 16.


During 2021, Serbia has continued with the revisionism of the wars of the 1990s

During 2021, Serbia has continued with the revisionism of the wars of the 1990s

revizija-ratova-enOn the occasion honouring the retired General Vinko Pandurević with a commemorative military medal presented by the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Milan Mojsilović, the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) wishes to remind the public that Pandurević was convicted before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in July 1995 in Srebrenica, including killings, persecution and forced displacement. This decoration of Pandurević is just one of several examples of the already established practice of glorification of those convicted for war crimes, which is consistently being carried out by the state institutions of Serbia.

In 2021, the Republic of Serbia continued to support the revisionism of the wars of the 1990s. Constructing a narrative of “Serbia’s wars of  liberation” – which attributes the character of a liberation to all the wars in which Serbia has participated throughout history – state institutions are ignoring or and minimising the court-established facts and overwhelming evidence of crimes committed during the wars of the 1990s.


Three Decades since the Crime in Ovčara – We Remember the Victims

Three Decades since the Crime in Ovčara – We Remember the Victims

Ovcara-pamtimo-bhsSaturday, November 20, 2021, marks the 30th anniversary of the crime committed on the Ovčara farm near Vukovar, when members of the local Territorial Defence (TO) and Serb volunteers under the command of the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) killed 265 Croatian civilians and prisoners of war. On this occasion, the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) reminds of the court-established facts about the crime in Ovčara and calls on the state institutions to pay tribute to the victims.

Immediately after seizing Vukovar, on November 20, 1991, JNA members took the injured, ill, civilians and members of the Croatian Armed Forces from the Vukovar hospital and took them to hangars on the Ovčara farm, about five kilometres southeast of Vukovar. From the moment they were brought to Ovčara, members of the Vukovar TO and the “Leva Supoderica” unit, composed mainly of volunteers from the Serbian Radical Party, beat, humiliated and abused detained Croats, all in the presence of members of the JNA Military Police. In the evening, members of the JNA withdrew from Ovčara following the orders of Colonel Mile Mrkšić. Members of the Vukovar TO and the “Leva Supoderica” volunteer unit took detainees out of the hangar during the night between November 20 and 21, 1991 and took them in groups of 10 to 20 people toward Grabovo. There, they were shot standing in front of a previously prepared mass grave. In Ovčara, besides wounded members of the Croatian armed forces, civilians, women and children were killed: Ružica Markobašić (32), who was in the late pregnancy at the time, Janja Podhorski (60), Dragutin Balog (17) and Igor Kačić (16).

200 bodies were exhumed from the mass grave at the Grabovo site, and 193 victims were identified. Seventeen bodies of the victims were found in the surrounding graves, while the bodies of dozens of victims are still being searched for.
