On 20 November 2007, it will be sixteen years since the war crime at the Ovčara farm near Vukovar was committed. Not a single person has been convicted for the commission of this crime and Serbian state institutions have not yet revealed the entire truth about the former Yugoslav Peoples Army’s (YNA) role in this crime.
The decision of the Supreme Court to overturn the first instance ruling in the Ovčara case has no legal or factual grounds. The Supreme Court carries on its practice of overthrowing every judgment made in war crimes trials and returning it for retrial. Three first instance judgements have been considered and decided on by the Supreme Court and all three were overturned and sent back for retrial.
The confession of the defendant, Ivan Atanasijević, at the trial of 16 persons accused of war crime against prisoners of war committed at the Ovčara farm (Croatia) on 20 November 1991, before the War Crimes Chamber in Belgrade, is the first confession of guilt before a domestic court.
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On the occasion honouring the retired General Vinko Pandurević with a commemorative military medal presented by the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Milan Mojsilović, the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) wishes to remind the public that Pandurević was convicted before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in July 1995 in Srebrenica, including killings, persecution and forced displacement. This decoration of Pandurević is just one of several examples of the already established practice of glorification of those convicted for war crimes, which is consistently being carried out by the state institutions of Serbia.
In 2021, the Republic of Serbia continued to support the revisionism of the wars of the 1990s. Constructing a narrative of “Serbia’s wars of liberation” – which attributes the character of a liberation to all the wars in which Serbia has participated throughout history – state institutions are ignoring or and minimising the court-established facts and overwhelming evidence of crimes committed during the wars of the 1990s.
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