YIHRWith regard to the announced appearance of a war criminal, Veselin Šljivančanin, at a Serbian Progressive Party rally, civil society organizations demand that the ruling political parties stop putting the match to nationalism as electoral fuel, and establish responsibility for preserving and improving peace in the region as their first priority.

These organizations demand that the rally scheduled for Tuesday, January 17th in Beška be cancelled. Republic of Serbia officials are also expected to take a distance from all individuals convicted of war crimes; otherwise, they would be showing clear support for criminal policies and utter disrespect for victims of war crimes.


Legal protection for the denial of genocide in Srebrenica

Srebrenica-masovna_grobnicaOn 15 November 2016, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia opened the debate on the Bill on Amendments to the Criminal Code, which prohibits public approval and denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, but only if those offenses have been established by the final judgment of a court in Serbia or the International Criminal Court. This would provide legal protection to revisionists of facts which have been established before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) calls upon the Members of the National Assembly to amend the proposed bill so that it includes a ban on the denial of facts established by the ICTY and the ICJ, in accordance with the domestic and international legal obligations of the Republic of Serbia.


We can do it better

b92_logoNow that we have agreed that the Hague Tribunal is no good, since it both convicts and acquits, tries too long, accepts bad indictments and poor evidence, achieves a disastrous national balance of the convicted, and brings only quarrels and not reconciliation, the time has come for a brighter topic – national war crimes trials. For a long time now, it has not only been us in Serbia who has told the Tribunal to leave our heroes alone, because, if necessary, it will be we who will try them. So, let’s see what these trials look like.


Students of Regional School of Transitional Justice visit Jasenovac and Vukovar

jasenovac-tjsA one-day visit to memorial sites in Croatia was organized as part of the study programme of the Regional School of Transitional Justice (School). Twenty-five students of the fourth generation of the School visited the memorial monument and the Jasenovac Memorial Museum and the Memorial Centre and memorial monument in Ovčara, near Vukovar. On this occasion, they talked about the culture of remembrance in relation to the crimes committed in these locations.


Attorney-at-Law Dragoljub Todorović Deceased

dragoljub_postIt is with deep sorrow that the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) must now inform the public that our long-time associate and friend, Attorney Dragoljub Todorović, passed away on May 14th, 2015.

Dragoljub had represented victims and victims’ family members on behalf of the HLC, since the beginning of the war crimes trials in Serbia. He persistently advocated the protection of their rights, thereby offering his contribution to the substantiation of the truth about the kidnapping in Štrpci, the brutal execution of the Bogujevci family in Podujevo, and the crimes committed at Ovčara, Zvornik, Trnovo, and elsewhere. During 1999 and 2000, Dragoljub, together with the HLC’s team of attorneys, defended the Kosovo Albanians unlawfully detained in politically motivated proceedings.
