Journal of the Regional School for Transitional Justice #2

Journal of the Regional School for Transitional Justice #2

post_zbornik_IIThe selected papers written by the second generation students of the Regional School for Transitional Justice have been gathered in the second issue of the Journal of Papers. The students’ papers have been grouped according to the main Transitional Justice topics– from analyses of war crimes trials, victims’ rights to reparation, and the role of the media in the reconciliation process, to analyses of current endeavours aimed at the acknowledgement of the right to truth about the crimes committed in the past.

When it comes to reparations as one of the Transitional Justice mechanisms, the paper produced by Goran Zorić about symbolic reparations, which presented a case study of the town of Prijedor (Prijedor – Symbolic Reparations), as well as the paper produced by Luka Božović, who analyzed some of the memorial sites in Serbia and their impact on the dominant narrative about the past (Transitional Justice in Serbia – Case of Memorial Sites in Serbia) were dedicated to this topic. Two papers were dedicated to the war crimes trials held before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. These were the papers by Srđan Vidačković on the Trial of Radislav Krstić and by Jovana Spremo,  ICTY Trial: Popović et al.- the Srebrenica Case. Besides these two papers, which deal    directly with ICTY trials, Maja Kapetanović also wrote a paper containing an interesting analysis of the judgment rendered by the European Court of Human Rights in the Maktouf and Damjanović vs. BiH Case and of the impact of this judgment on the Transitional Justice process in BiH.

The role of the media in the reconciliation process occupies an important place among the interests of students of the Regional School for Transitional Justice. Aldin Zenović analyzed in his paper, entitled Role of the media in the reconciliation process, the media reporting on the   Bogujevci – Visual History Exhibition, an artistic testimony of three young artists originally from Podujevo, who survived the war crime in which their entire families, apart from themselves, were killed in 1999. Dejana Nešić offered an analysis of the media, and, indirectly, the public discourse in two daily newspapers in Serbia – ‘Blic’ and ‘Glas javnosti’ – following  the announcement of the Declaration of the Republic of Serbia National Assembly on Srebrenica, in her paper Media and Denial.

Research into the activities undertaken in Bosnia and Herzegovina related to  Transitional Justice mechanisms for establishing facts about the past was the topic of the papers written by Jasmin Hamzić and Denis Puteš. In his paper Transitional Justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina: the Right to Truth, Jasmin Hamzić analyzed several bodies and projects dedicated to the establishment of facts and truth-telling, while Denis Puteš chose to analyze the Bosnian Book of the Dead, one of the  most important projects in the field of dealing with the past in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Here you can read the “Journal of Papers written by students of the Regional School of Transitional Justice #2”
