Postupak za ostvarivanje prava na reparacije – slučaj Logori za Hrvate u Vojvodini – svedočenje žrtava Ane Jurković, Bojana Tešanovića i Zvonka Ragača

Izveštaj sa suđenja – 1. oktobar 2008.

Pred Prvim opštinskim sudom u Beogradu, 1. oktobra 2008. godine održano je ročište po tužbi za naknadu štete koju je FHP 20. novembra 2007. godine podneo protiv Republike Srbije u ime dvanaest bivših logoraša logora Begejci i Sremska Mitrovica [Vojvodini], zbog odgovornosti države za nezakonit pritvor i torturu koju su nad njima izvršili pripadnici JNA i MUP-a Republike Srbije. Na ročištu su saslušani bivši logoraši Ana Jurković, Bojan Tešanović i Zvonko Ragač


Pecuniary Compensation for Murder of Albanian Behram Gigollaj committed in Serbia during NATO Air Strikes

The First Municipal Court in Belgrade rendered a verdict on 12 June 2008 ordering the Republic of Serbia to pay damages to Ryvi, Gani, Haki, Lumnije, and Asman Gigollaj, the wife and children of late Behram Gigollaj, who was beaten to death by unidentified assailants on 24 March 1999 in Mataruška Banja, in the amount of three million dinars, because of the state’s responsibility for failing to prevent the assault.


Camps for Bosniaks from Žepa: Compensation Lawsuit against the Republic of Serbia

The Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) filed a compensation lawsuit on 30 June 2008 against the Republic of Serbia, on behalf of Esed Avdagić, Omer Čavčić, Sabrija Ćesko, Zajko Imamović, Amir Mednolučanin, Munib Omanović, Šemso Ramić, Suljo Salić, and Galib Vatreš [Bosniaks from Žepa, BiH], because of the state’s responsibility for their detention in Šljivovica and Mitrovo Polje camps during the summer of 1995 and the torture members of the Serbian Ministry of Interior committed against them.


The State of Serbia Paid Damages for Illegal Work of State Institutions

The State of Serbia paid 250,000 Dinars to Roma Danilo Dimitrijević in damages for the violation of his rights prescribed by the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [Convention Against Torture], which was determined in the decision of the UN Committee Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment [UN Committee Against Torture] rendered on 16 November 2005. HLC believes that, in this settlement, the Republic of Serbia Public Attorney’s Office was guided by the poor financial situation in which Danilo Dimitrijević was and offered him compensation of 250,000 Dinars, which is not a just satisfaction for the injustice caused to him.
