Documentation on the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia

Two thematic collections of documents titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Time of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia” and “Serbian Political Elites and the Vance-Owen Plan” were presented at the Library of the Humanitarian Law Center.


Pictures of a War Crime Seminar at the HLC

King’s College from London organized the Pictures of a War Crime – Visual documents and the way they impact war crimes trials and the public seminar which was held at the offices of the Humanitarian Law Center in Belgrade.


Dva lica Dobrovoljačke ulice

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In various wars 2.385 citizens of Serbia and Montenegro were killed or disappeared.


Twenty years since the beginning of the war in the former Yugoslavia not a single state in the region has compiled an individualized register of their killed and missing citizens. For Serbia and Montenegro it was done by a non-governmental organization from Belgrade, the Humanitarian Law Center. The results of the HLC research were presented in Podgorica and the event was attended by families of some of the killed and missing.


“To Know and not to Repeat It” Event at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad

Over 40 students of the Novi Sad University attended the “To Know and not to Repeat It” public event held on April 1, 2011 at the Faculty of Philosophy. The students were informed about the concept of One Million Signatures Campaign the goal of which is to collect one million signatures in support of the creation of a Regional Commission Tasked with Establishing the Facts about War Crimes and Other Serious Human Rights Violations Committed in the Period 1991-2001 on the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia (RECOM).


KOSOVA SOT-Licem u lice sa kriminalcima

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Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia

A collection of themed documents titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Time of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia” was published by the Humanitarian Law Center and the Institute for Contemporary History.
