Nema istrage o mučenju hrvatskih zarobljenika u Nišu

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The New York Times: The Shame of Serbia

new_york_timesNatsa Kandic

The New York Times, 6th June 2011.

THE arrest of Ratko Mladic on May 26 caught me off guard. I couldn’t believe it. I clenched my fists, trying to grip him tightly in my hands. Finally, I breathed a sigh of relief.
But then I heard the speech by the Serbian president, Boris Tadic. For him, Mr. Mladic’s arrest represents the closing of a dark chapter in our history and a removal of the mark of shame that has stained the Serbian people for two decades. But there was no mention of the many other perpetrators of genocide during the 1990s or of the responsibility the Serbian state bears for those crimes. Once again, it seems, we might lose the chance to open a painful but necessary debate about the past.


Students of American University Visit HLC

“New School NYC” Post-graduate students at the International Relations Department visited the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) where they were introduced to the Kosovo Memory Book and the Initiative for RECOM projects.


Among the killed are 42 persons from Niš


 During armed conflicts waged on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the period 1991-1995 there are 42 killed or missing individuals from Niš. This information was disclosed during a presentation of a register of human losses from the armed conflicts waged on the territory of Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.


One Million Signatures for RECOM” Campaign Begins Throughout the Region


 The “One Million Signatures for RECOM” campaign begins throughout the entire region of the former Yugoslavia on April 26, 2011. RECOM is an independent, international, regional commission tasked with establishing the facts about all victims of the wars waged in the period 1991-2011 on the territory of the former Yugoslavia as well as about all gross violations of human rights committed during or in connection with said wars. The Proposed RECOM Statute was adopted on March 26, 2011 at the Fourth Assembly of the Coalition for RECOM. The adoption of the Proposed RECOM Statute was preceded by a long and comprehensive public debate conducted throughout the region.


During the armed conflicts waged on the territory of the former Yugoslavia 2.028 citizens of Serbia and Montenegro were killed or disappeared


During the armed conflicts waged on the territory of the former Yugoslavia in the period 1991-1995, 2.028 citizens of Serbia and Montenegro were killed or disappeared and the fate of 385 missing citizens remains to be unknown. These are the results of a research conducted by the Humanitarian Law Center (HLC) made public at the presentation of an individualized register of citizens of Serbia and Montenegro who were killed or disappeared during the armed conflicts in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period 1991-1995.


Documentation on the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia

Two thematic collections of documents titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Time of the Breakup of the Former Yugoslavia” and “Serbian Political Elites and the Vance-Owen Plan” were presented at the Library of the Humanitarian Law Center.
