BEOGRAD, 16.09.2011. – U okviru Konferencije o domaćim suđenjima za ratne zločine, održanoj u petak u Beogradu, razgovaralo se o regionalnoj saradnji, izazovima koje nameće gašenje Haškog tribunala, a poseban deo bio je posvećen svedocima saradnicima i njihovoj zaštiti, obzirom da u Srbiji postoje ozbiljni propusti u tom segmentu suđenja za ratne zločine.
Konferenciju su organizovali Fond za humanitarno pravo i Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, a među učesnicima su bili sudije, tužioci, advokati, novinari i predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz zemalja bivše SFRJ i EU.
BELGRADE, September 16th, 2011- Among the topics of the Conference on Domestic War Crimes Trials were regional cooperation and challenges imposed by the closing down of ICTY, and a special part of the conference was dedicated to witnesses associates and their protection, since there have been serious omissions in this segment of war crimes trials.
BEOGRAD, 16.09.2011. – U okviru Konferencije o domaćim suđenjima za ratne zločine, održanoj u petak u Beogradu, razgovaralo se o regionalnoj saradnji, izazovima koje nameće gašenje Haškog tribunala, a poseban deo bio je posvećen svedocima saradnicima i njihovoj zaštiti, obzirom da u Srbiji postoje ozbiljni propusti u tom segmentu suđenja za ratne zločine.
Konferenciju su organizovali Fond za humanitarno pravo i Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, a među učesnicima su bili sudije, tužioci, advokati, novinari i predstavnici nevladinih organizacija iz zemalja bivše SFRJ i EU.
BELGRADE, September 16th, 2011- Among the topics of the Conference on Domestic War Crimes Trials were regional cooperation and challenges imposed by the closing down of ICTY, and a special part of the conference was dedicated to witnesses associates and their protection, since there have been serious omissions in this segment of war crimes trials.
The Humanitarian Law Center and the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network organized the conference, and some of the participants included judges, prosecutors, attorneys, journalists, and representatives of non-governmental organizations from the countries of EU and the former Yugoslavia.