Peticija za odgovornu Srbiju!

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Clint Williamson visit to HLC

FHP_srb_logobezBELGRADE, October 25th, 2011 – Clint Williamson, Chief of the Special Investigative Task Forces, visited the Humanitarian Law Center today.

During their discussion with Nataša Kandić, representatives of the Task Force presented frameworks for war crimes and organized crime investigations, which entail verification of accounts referring to detention sites, missing persons, torture, killings and mass graves, and which relate to allegations in the report by Dick Marty for the period 1999-2000 in Kosovo.

The HLC gave its full support to the work of the Task Force, and stressed how important it is for victims’ families to resolve the issue of missing persons and mass graves.


19th Anniversary of the Crime in Sjeverin

PRIBOJ, October 22nd, 2011 – 19th anniversary of the war crime committed in Sjeverin, in which 16 Bosniak civilians, citizens of the Republic of Serbia were killed, was marked on Saturday, October 22nd. Victims’ families and friends laid flowers and paid respect to their closest family members and friends in the village of Mioče (BiH), where they were taken off the bus by members of the paramilitary formation “Osvetnici” (Avengers). Representatives of political parties, representatives of Bosniak cultural and religious institutions from Sandžak and several representatives of non-governmental organizations (including representatives of the Humanitarian Law Center) attended the commemoration.


Poziv na pobunu protiv obnavljanja prošlosti

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“Does Serbia Give Up on European Integration?” Roundtable


BELGRADE, October 11th, 2011 – The Humanitarian Law Center and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina organized a roundtable on October 11th titled “Does Serbia Give Up on European Integration?”.LOGO190x95


Letter of Support to the RECOM Process

rekomPresident of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga

Member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Bakir Izetbegovic

President of Serbia, Mr. Boris Tadic

President of Slovenia, Mr. Danilo Turk

President of Macedonia, Mr. Djordje Ivanov

President of Montenegro, Mr. Filip Vujanovic

President of Croatia, Mr. Ivo Josipovic

Member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Nebojsa Radmanovic

Member of Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr. Zeljko Komsic


American Students Visit HLC: “Victims must not Become Statistics”

Amerikanci naslovnaSIT Study Abroad, World Learning Center’s program, organized a visit for a group of American college students to the Belgrade-based Humanitarian Law Center (HLC). The course titled: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo: Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans teaches students about the causes of the conflict in the Balkans. Through a series of meetings with peace and human rights activists, students learn about reconciliation and efforts to build a civil society. During this study program, students live in ordinary Serbian families, obtaining first-hand knowledge about the impact of the conflicts on the lives of the people in the region.


Conference on Domestic War Crimes Trials


BELGRADE, September 16th, 2011- Among the topics of the Conference on Domestic War Crimes Trials were regional cooperation and challenges imposed by the closing down of ICTY, and a special part of the conference was dedicated to witnesses associates and their protection, since there have been serious omissions in this segment of war crimes trials.
